Being on your own is so hard. I never struggled until now. The job I used to have closed in May. Now I work at Target for a pathetic $8.00/an hour and am trying to survive on a sad 10 hours a week - not by choice. I'm available open-close every day of the week.
I was enrolled in school for this semester. For some reason, I was denied Financial Aid and wasn't able to get loans because it's part of Financial Aid [that doesn't make sense to me]. I signed up for the payment program to pay for my tuition. I ended up withdrawing from the semester, though, because I couldn't afford to pay tuition every month. The school still took out the first payment [$350]. I had $291 in my checking account so I went negative and got a $35 fee. Then all of my other transactions went through, making my account even more negative and getting even more $35 fees. I'm now over negative $700 in my account.
I'm getting a refund check from the school for the $350, but they don't send them out until February 1st. I'm going to the bank today to talk to them about all of my other transactions and negative fees. Hopefully everything's reversed and I'll be positive again with $350 in my account. Yesterday, the bank took money from both of my savings accounts [one I set up for the baby] to go towards my negative account, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE.
I don't know what to do anymore. I stopped paying my credit cards because I can't afford my payments - not even $10. I hate this situation I'm in. How am I supposed to survive after the baby's born and our roommate moves out? Can Aaron and I afford everything on our own next year?