Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Infant Safety and CPR and Lamaze Classes.

Thursday January 14, 2010, I had my Infant Safety and CPR class. A lot of the things I already knew - cabinet locks, rear-facing car seat, etc. I did learn how to do CPR on a baby, though! I just hope that I never have to use it.

Saturday January 16, 2010, Aaron and I had Lamaze. It was very long because we signed up for the one day class since we can't afford to take off five Wednesdays in a row. We learned a lot, though. I wrote down a few questions that I want to ask my doctors. I always wanted to try giving birth without any medication and because of class, I'm now 98% against it. There's still that 2% chance, though, and no one knows what can happen. I really want to try it naturally. I don't want to be high when my baby's born. I want to actually be "there". I don't want forceps used at all. That's one thing that annoys me about doctors. They think what's best for right now and I don't want that. I want the baby to come out when he's ready. My doctors induce you if you're a week over your due date. I read that they should allow you to go at least two weeks over. I'm going to talk to them about that, too. I really don't think Peanut's going to be late, though. I think he's coming March 3rd [my due date's March 10th].

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